-PTI The Calcutta high court today refused to pass an interim order restraining the West Bengal government from distributing to farmers in Singur the land acquired earlier to set up Tata'a car manufacturing unit. On Tata Motors's plea that an interim injunction be passed to restrain distribution of the land from tomorrow, Justice Saumitra Pal said in that case the company's original petition challenging the Singur Land Rehablitation and Development Act,...
Gadag farmers oppose Posco steel plant unit by Vincent D'Souza
Land acquisition by the Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board for the proposed steel plant by South Korean steel giant Posco in Gadag district has run into rough weather. The main reasons for the villagers' opposition are that 3,300 acres identified for the project in Halligudi village off National Highway 63, about 500km from Bangalore, are fertile land and agriculture is the villagers' only source of income. KIADB special land acquisition...
More »Noted economist Suresh Tendulkar passes away in Pune by Ashish Jadhav
One of India’s most distinguished economists, Suresh Tendulkar (70), passed away at a private hospital in the city on Tuesday morning. He was former chairman of the Prime Minister’s economic advisory council and also a former part-time chief of the National Statistical Commission. Tendulkar, who was admitted to Prayag Hospital in Deccan Gymkhana following cardiac arrest on June 2, breathed his last around 11 am. Chief minister Prithviraj Chavan and deputy chief minister...
More »Orissa to renew MoU with Posco by June end by Nageshwar Patnaik
Orissa is all set to renew its memorandum of understanding (MoU) with steel major Posco with a one-year retrospective effect by June 30th. The MoU for the proposed 12 million ton steel plant had expired on June 22, 2010 after a period of five years. State steel and mines minister Raghunath Mohanty said all formalities required for renewal of the MoU will be over shortly and the government would revalidate...
More »Jairam loses “no-go” battle, allows coal mining in forested Hasdeo Arand
-The Hindu Blocks not actually within the biodiversity-rich region, he says Stage-I forest clearance granted to three blocks in the region Ramesh over-ruled advice of his own Forest Advisory Committee to grant approval The bastion of Hasdeo-Arand has finally been broken. One year after saying that the coalfields of this heavily-forested, mineral rich region of Chhattisgarh would never be open to miners, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has finally granted a stage-I forest clearance to...
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