-IndiaSpend.com So far, only a few states such as Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had made available millets and that too only in certain pockets. The union government proposes to include coarse grains such as jowar (sorghum), bajra (pearl millet) and ragi (finger millet) in the mid-day meal programme in schools and also distribute it through the government subsidised food programme, the public distribution system (PDS), agriculture secretary SK Patnaik said recently. This announcement...
Unlike in Gujarat, EC Did Not Delay Assembly Polls in Flood-Affected Jammu and Kashmir in 2014
-TheWire.in RTI application now reveals that model code of conduct does not hamper flood relief work. New Delhi: The Election Commission had delayed the announcement of Gujarat poll dates taking the plea the model code of conduct would hamper flood relief work. The model code of conduct which comes into effect as soon as the poll dates are announced, bars the government from announcing any new policies or packages. At a press...
More »The Truth Behind the Gujarat Growth Model -Indira Hirway
-TheWire.in After huge incentives to corporate units, the Gujarat government is left with limited funds for education, health, environment and employment for the masses. What is the Gujarat model? In simple terms, it refers to a period from 2002-03 to 20011-12 during which Gujarat experienced a quantum jump in its growth rate. The driving force was the then chief minister Narendra Modi’s innovative interpretation of neoliberal policies. The growth strategy had three major...
More »Too few FIRs in Delhi & Gujarat for fake currency notes seized during 2016, indicates NCRB data
In a country where inter-departmental coordination hardly takes place in the government, a joint exercise undertaken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is bearing fruits. The NCRB has started coordinating with the RBI for collection and sharing of Fake Indian Currency Note (FICN) data. The new tables, which have been introduced in the NCRB's annual publication on crime, reveal that although the...
More »Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley Holds Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting with the representatives of different Agriculture Groups
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Finance The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Shri Arun Jaitley said that there is a need to conserve water, incentivize agro processing and promote balanced use of fertilizers in order to ensure higher agriculture productivity. The Finance Minister said that in order to achieve the goal of doubling the farmer’s income by 2022, there is need for better storage and marketing facilities for the...
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