-The Hindu Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, on Wednesday, held an inter-ministerial meeting to discuss the spiralling prices of food and carve out a strategy to cool inflation. Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu attended the meeting. Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian was also present. During the meeting, discussions were held to devise ways to meet the gap between demand...
Agriculture Reform: Breaking the trader cartel -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express After Delhi, it is Maharashtra’s turn to attempt liberating fruits & vegetables from APMC shackles. Pune/ Vashi: Spread over 70 hectares land off the Old Mumbai-Pune highway, it’s a place where more than Rs 10,000 crore worth of fruits, vegetables and other farm produce gets traded annually. But right now, it’s also the scene of a prabodhan, a mass awakening campaign by traders and commission agents that could gather...
More »Retail inflation inches up to 5.76 per cent in May -KR Srivats
-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: A sharp spike in food articles inflation has led to May retail inflation inching up to 5.76 percent, weakening prospects of any RBI repo rate cut in August. This May 2016 print is higher than retail inflation of 5.01 percent in May last year and 5.47 percent in April this year. Food articles inflation jumped to 7.55 percent in May 2016 from 6.40 percent in previous month. The...
More »Once called 'orphan crops,' pulses and millets are new stars -Kevin Tiessen
-IANSLive.in Once relegated to the status of "orphan crops," pulses and millets are currently a subject of tremendous interest among the global community. Pulse crops, millets and a host of other local cereals, vegetables, and fruits are of vital importance to the world's poor. It is no surprise, therefore, that development agencies working in the area of agriculture -- like mine -- have moved beyond the traditional "stars" of food research -...
More »Punjab Won’t Fly Unless It Deals With Its Agrarian Crisis -Ashwini K Swain, Gareth Price and Ranjit Singh Ghuman
-TheWire.in Agriculture in the state needs a new paradigm, one that acknowledges the scarcity of interlinked resources and the costs of their use. Recently, experts from Punjab Agricultural University advised farmers in the state to reduce the area taken up by the cultivation of basmati, predicting a crash in basmati prices due to huge carryover stock. Last year, the state produced 18 million tonnes of paddy and contributed a record 9.4 million...
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