Supporters who hit the streets are from all walks of life The response to Team Anna's protest in Mumbai was lukewarm on Tuesday, compared to the popular support it received in New Delhi earlier. Though members of India Against Corruption claimed that 30,000 people visited the MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Authority) ground in the Bandra-Kurla Complex here, it did not look more than 3,000. There was a spurt in the number of...
Coupon fiasco by Sakina Dhorajiwala and Aashish Gupta
In Bihar, the coupon system to distribute PDS grain fails to prevent corruption. AT the Jamaluddin gram panchayat in Patna district on January 26, 2007, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar launched an ambitious reform of the public distribution system (PDS) in Bihar: a coupon system. He claimed that it would “empower the poor and stop black-marketeering” and that it was “not a simple coupon but a powerful weapon in the hands...
More »Politicians I funded are after me now: Sarkhel
-The Times of India Bapi Sarkhel, in the eye of a storm since the December 14 violence near Poscoproject site in Jagatsinghpur, said on Thursday certain Politicians seeking his arrest had benefited from him in the past, but turned against him as they saw him as a threat. Police has booked him on charges of fomenting trouble in the proposed Posco steel plant site and attacking anti-land acquisition villagers in the...
More »Netas, cops most corrupt: Survey
-PTI Seventy-four per cent Indians feel that the level of corruption in the country has gone up in the last three years and perceive Politicians and police to be the most corrupt, according to a survey. The survey, released by Transparency International, found that 64% Indians bribed police for one reason or the other while 55% felt that the government was ineffective in the fight against corruption. Majority of Indians opined that Politicians...
More »Final report on Godhra violence by March 31: Gujarat government by Manas Dasgupta
-The Hindu The G. T. Nanavati–Akshay Mehta judicial inquiry commission probing the Godhra train carnage and the post-Godhra communal riots in Gujarat in 2002 is expected to submit its final report by March 31 next year — 10 years after its formation. This information was given by the State government to a Division Bench of the Gujarat High Court comprising Acting Chief Justice Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Justice J. B. Pardiwala here on...
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