As rubber prices soared to Rs 180 per kg, even land, which is not traditionally best suited for rubber is getting converted in Kerala, thus shrinking the area under paddy cultivation. To stop diversion of paddy area towards rubber farms, the Kerala government has decided to implement a Rs 2,111-crore central package for paddy development in Kuttanad district, major producer of rice in the state. “Procurement price of paddy is now as...
It’s a growth & green mantra
IN THE ‘environment versus development’ debate, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh opted to take the middle path. Addressing environmental concerns was important but it cannot be at the cost of perpetuating poverty, he said. Lest pro-industry groups mistake his stance as undiluted support, Mr Singh stressed that environmental concerns are “here to stay.” If the Greens felt that their writ would run, they too were to be disappointed. He has made...
More »Panel to find ways for convergence of NREGA, water projects
Government has set up an expert group to devise better methods to achieve convergence of MGNREGA activities with that of various water Conservation and management programmes. The 30-member expert group, constituted by the Rural Development Ministry, will be headed by the CEO of the National Rainfed Areas Authority. "It has been decided to constitute an expert group to devise process, methodologies and mechanisms for convergence of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA with...
More »Martyrs to transparency by Venkitesh Ramakrishnan
In the five years of the Right to Information Act, activists who use it have faced reprisal across the country. OCTOBER 2010 marks the fifth anniversary of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The Act and its implementation have been described in both administrative circles and civil society as “revolutionary” , “a blow for transparency”, “a check on corrupt practices” and “a people's intervention tool with tremendous impact”. Social activists and...
More »Vedanta says it broke no law, looks for alternate bauxite site
Halted by the government from mining bauxite in Niyamgiri in Orissa for the $1.7 billion aluminium project, Vedanata Resources on Tuesday said it has not violated any law and would look for alternate sources of the mineral. "Vedanta Resources Plc reconfirms that there has been no regulatory violations of any kind at the Lanjigarh Alumina refinery. We are not in possession of Niyamgiri mines and no mining activity will be undertaken...
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