Packaged sugar now costs Rs 46 a kilogram in the retail market and there are no signs of prices levelling off. With loose sugar also costing Rs 43-44 a kg, the poly-packed product is inexorably moving towards the Rs 50 a kg mark, with the government appearing helpless in containing the spiralling prices. The steady rise in sugar prices since the second half of last year is a consequence of...
Delhi mayor for closure of units ahead of Games
Delhi’s mayor wants owners of industrial units in and around the city to shut down a month before the October 3-14 Commonwealth Games to give the nation’s capital a cleaner and "world class" look. After all, he says, "the Chinese did the same" ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The mayor, Dr Kanwar Sain, said in his appeal on Wednesday that Traders and industrial unit owners should cooperate in the "national...
More »Jharkhand: Economic Growth for Whom? by Girish Mishra
As far as natural resources like minerals, land and water are concerned, Jharkhand is among the richest States of India. Yet, its people are among the poorest. Mind you, almost 30 per cent of them are tribal. Out of the total population of 288.46 lakhs, 223.1 lakhs live in rural areas and only 65.36 lakhs are urban dwellers. Even a cursory glance is sufficient to convince that most of the...
More »Fixing food prices
Every time inflation hits the headlines, the political blame game begins. This time too, as food prices soar, everyone in the ruling coalition and the government is passing the buck. It is possible that there is no one guilty party and a combination of factors, involving several actors, is responsible for the current price spiral. Of all the proximate factors, the most important appears to be expectations. Each time prices...
More »Cost-push element behind rise in food prices, says Pranab
“States should ensure effective public distribution system” Fiscal deficit at 6.8 per cent of GDP a challenge Dip in exports due to low demand following economic downturn in foreign markets Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday said increasing food grains productivity, ensuring effective distribution of subsidised essentials to vulnerable groups and allowing duty-free import were some of the steps taken to control the spiralling prices of essential commodities. Speaking at the 109th...
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