-The Hindu Business Line The Union Cabinet has relaxed a condition that requires small and marginal farmers to seed their Aadhaar numbers with their bank accounts for getting the second instalment of payments under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) scheme. While clearing the scheme on February 1, the government had made it mandatory for farmers with less than 2 hectares of Land to get Aadhaar seeding done for the second...
Evict illegal occupants from forest Land: Maharashtra -Vijay Pinjarkar
-The Times of India Following the Supreme Court order to clear forest Land in possession of people whose title claims were rejected under the Forest (Rights) Act, 2006, the Maharashtra government has asked forest officials to free such Land from the possession of illegal occupants. On February 22, the state government issued orders seeking to know how many claims under community forest rights (CFRs) and individual forest rights (IFRs) under FRA were...
More »Smart farming in a warm world -Feroze Varun Gandhi
-The Hindu Investment and policy reform are needed on priority to help farmers cope with climate change Over the last decade, many of Bundelkhand’s villages have faced significant depopulation. Famous of late for farmer protests, the region, which occupies parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, has been adversely impacted by climate change. It was once blessed with over 800-900 mm rainfall annually, but over the last seven years, it has seen...
More »Will PM-Kisan transform India's agriculture support ecosystem? -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com The farm income support scheme was launched after NDA’s other flagship schemes failed to tackle rural distress The scheme promises to pay Rs. 6,000 every year to each of the 120 million farmer families in India NEW DELHI: The Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government at the centre announced a scheme for farmers in the interim budget presented on 1 February, with just a few months to go for the...
More »Tribals' eviction: Congress, BJP tell CMs to file review pleas
-The Hindu Amit Shah, Rahul write to States; RSS outfit demands ordinance The presidents of the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Rahul Gandhi and Amit Shah, have directed the Chief Ministers of the States ruled by their parties to file a review petition in the Supreme Court over its ruling ordering the eviction of tribals unable to provide sufficient proof of claim to forest Land. Mr. Gandhi on Monday said...
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