Manmohan Singh government's high-risk move in evicting Baba Ramdev from the Capital after a midnight police raid on his camp at Ramlila Maidan here has brought together rival factions of civil society, besides exposing the Centre and Congress leadership to sharp attacks from political opponents. Just hours after the dramatic police raid on Ramlila Maidan, Anna Hazare's camp announced that they would boycott the meeting of the joint Lokpal panel scheduled...
Baba Ramdev: India police break up yogi's Delhi protest
-BBC Police in the Indian capital Delhi have broken up an anti-corruption protest led by controversial yoga guru Baba Ramdev. Around 30 people were injured as police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of his supporters, reports said. He had been fasting to demand that the government takes action to recover billions of dollars of suspected bribe money held in foreign bank accounts. Baba Ramdev was detained by police but later released. The police...
More »HRD Ministry proposes to extend RTE till Class 10
-Express News Service In its bid to push for the inclusion of secondary education till Class 10 under the Right To Education (RTE) Act, the HRD Ministry in its proposal to be placed before the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) meeting next week, has cited examples from around 85 countries ranging from the US to Djibouti and Palestine that have extended the years of compulsory education. It also talks about...
More »What the UID project will not do by Vishv Bandhu Gupta
The concept of “a ubiquitous magic plastic” that bring out the unique in a living person has caught the fascination of most of us. An unpopular government sees in it the ability of cutting a long red tape short to correctly identify the genuine citizens in need. The agonised cops of India see in it a great ally to apprehend the much-wanted terrorists, whose biometric data could now be verified...
More »India land disputes pit farmers against middle class by Shilpa Kannan
In the first of a series of reports on land rights, we look at the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where there have been violent clashes between local villagers and police in a dispute over land. It's a hot summer day and the air is thick with smoke from the diesel-powered trucks carrying bricks, cement and sand. There is a long line of vehicles along the road as the trucks jostle...
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