Manpreet Singh Ayali, chairman of Zila Parishad-cum-District Health Monitoring Planning Committee, has said Rs 12 crore are being spent in this current financial year under the various schemes of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to provide better health facilities to the people of rural areas. Ayali was addressing a meeting of District Level Health Monitoring Planning Committee at Zila Parishad Complex on Friday. Ayali further said that the birth rate has...
Target Practice by Sunil Jain
Now that it’s Millennium Development Goal (MDG) week, expect a host of studies/ articles/ commentaries around how India has failed to meet the important MDGs, on how parts of India are worse than sub-Saharan Africa or Bangladesh when it comes to nutrition, and so on. The UN set the ball rolling when it said that “with just five years to the 2015 deadline for achieving the MDGs, the country as a...
More »"Happiness" should be ninth MDG: Bhutan by Betwa Sharma
Bhutan has asked world leaders to adopt "Happiness" as the ninth Millennium Development Goal at the UN summit on reaching the MDGs, in order to put and end to the scourge of poverty, hunger and disease. "Let us grow forth from this summit to not only rededicate to the eight goals to banish, disease and extreme poverty," said Jigmi Thinley, Prime Minister of Bhutan while addressing the UN summit on reaching...
More »Toilets are key to good education-aid agencies by Emma Batha
As millions of children around the world start school this month, many are discovering something critical is missing. It's not teachers or textbooks - it's toilets. Poor sanitation doesn't just cause high rates of illness and absenteeism, but it also affects a child's intelligence, aid agencies say, with research showing that diarrhoea and worm infestations can lower IQ. Sanitation is one of the most wildly off-track targets under the United Nations' anti-poverty...
More »The dark under-belly of India-Cholera in 21st century
The green hills -- those that once used to soothe the entire region through the stilly silence, and fill it with the great wonder of multitudinousness -- have suddenly turned into a valley of death. First Diarrhea and then Cholera, the quiet bosom of the picturesque Raygada district is today torn by the screams of pain and loss of lives. People are dying like flies and hundreds are lying on...
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