-TheNewsMinute.com The normal deposits ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 5000 have recently increased to Rs 10000. Due to the recent demonetisation of higheR Value notes, people in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are finding new ways to escape the system. Telangana has witnessed a sudden decrease in the number of ‘Zero Balance Accounts’ of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna from 26 lakh to 23.6 lakh. Nearly 2.5 lakh accounts were suddenly awash...
Motive behind demonetisation is justifiable but there may be collateral damage
There are reports from all over the country that the recent decision by the government to demonetise currency notes of Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- denomination has affected everyone. However the consequence of this financial measure is lopsided and it will be mainly borne by the farmers, informal sector workers, women and the financially excluded. Please check the links/ urls below this news alert to know everything about demonetisation. Till a few...
More »Prabhat Patnaik, economist and professor emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University, interviewed by Jahnavi Sen
-TheWire.in In conversation with economist Prabhat Patnaik on the government’s decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. On November 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation at 8 pm and announced that Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes would no longer be legal tender after midnight that night. This move was needed to tackle the “disease of black money,” he said. Since then, their have been numerous reports of how...
More »To breathe fresh air, opt for better agricultural technology
Delhi's air is not fit to inhale. Experts argue that prolonged exposure to toxic air could lead to serious health hazards like heart and lung diseases, various types of cancer etc. But is it the case that the smog, which engulfed the entire National Capital Region (NCR) and many of the north Indian cities during October-November was entirely caused due to burning of firecrackers in Diwali or because of vehicular...
More »Straws in the wind -Elumalai Kannan
-The Hindu Paddy stubble, unlike wheat residue, isn’t valuable animal feed. Incentivising biomass-based power plants in Punjab and Haryana will help north India breathe easier. Delhi has registered its worst air quality in recent times. This has prompted Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to call it a “gas chamber”. Pollution in different parts of the capital has touched hazardous levels with potentially serious health effects on the rich and poor alike, especially on...
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