The historic city of Bhagalpur in Bihar, often in the news for the wrong reasons, figured in the Lok Sabha on Thursday when Bharatiya Janata Party member Shahnawaz Hussain sought to draw the government's attention to the pitiable condition of weavers there. “The jacket you are wearing is made of Bhagalpur silk,” he told Deputy Speaker Karia Munda, who was in the Chair, even as he pointed towards Leader of the...
Cabinet meeting on price rise today, PM to chair meet
Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh will chair the Cabinet Committee on Prices (CCP) meeting that will be held on Wednesday to discuss the issue of spiraling food prices, including sugar prices. Manmohan Singh is expected to take decisions on increasing the availability of sugar and other commodities, to contain food inflation. Food inflation had soared to 20 percent since the first week of December. The meeting was earlier scheduled to...
More »How Bihar can rise as a developed state by Kailash Nautiyal
It is presumed that the industrial development in Bihar is hampered by lack of investments. Is it because of 'unproductive' government policies or an unpredictable law and order situation? And how to increase the flow of investment in the state? In order to find out answers to all such questions and debate these issues, Business Standard Hindi recently organised a roundtable in Patna. The seminar was attended by various small...
More »Finance panel wants deficit cut back by Sanjiv Shankaran and Utpal Bhaskar
The 13th Finance Commission (TFC) has recommended a return to fiscal consolidation and reform in expenditure management. It has also suggested the Centre offer states a share of revenue raised from levies such as cesses and surcharges, according to people familiar with the report. TFC, a statutory body tasked with suggesting ways in which taxes should be shared between the Centre and states and drawing up a road map towards fiscal...
More »Republic of Silence by Ashok Mitra
Hokum must have its kingdom. The judicial report on the culpability for the crime perpetrated on December 6, 1992, was first leaked and then laid on the floor of Parliament. The predictable sequel was an uproarious parliamentary debate. Countrymen are however not any more enlightened than they already were. That horrid outrage was committed over 17 years ago, in broad daylight, with the world’s media looking on. Thousands watched the proceedings...
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