-The Hindu Greenpeace India said the Power Ministry had informed CBI that it did not recommend Hindalco for the Mahan coal block. Questioning the non-transparent manner in which the Mahan coal block was allocated, Greenpeace India on Tuesday demanded cancellation of the coal block and sought a thorough enquiry into the role of Essar Power and the Madhya Pradesh government in the whole issue. The demand by Greenpeace comes close on the heels...
Rural sanitation works included under MGNREGS-Girija Shivakumar
-The Hindu India is the world's largest open air lavatory with over 620 million people practising open defecation in the country. Seeking to address this persisting problem, the UPA government has widened the scope of its flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to include works relating to rural sanitation in collaboration with the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan (NBA) Scheme. This interlinking is aimed at strengthening the base of rural...
More »The Hiranyakashyaps of Uttar Pradesh-Neha Dixit
-Newsclick.in With sixty percent children malnourished in the state, the implementation of the Integrated Child Development Services, the largest scheme to provide nutrition to children in the country, is nothing but a sham. Sitting outside her semi-pucca house in Bilgram block, Kasturi says, "My children get five fistful of panjiri once a month from the Aanganwadi Centre." Thirty-three year-old Kasturi has never, in her parents' village or her in-law's village seen an...
More »Different strategies for different booths-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu For the first time in decades, the Maoists have encouraged calibrated polling in some areas, instead of fanatically implementing a policy to boycott the election The districts of Chhattisgarh partially controlled by Maoists - with 12 Assembly constituencies - voted overwhelmingly in 2013. Compared to 2008, voter turnout in 2013 increased by 9.67 percentage points in 12 constituencies, while the overall polling was 6.81 percentage points higher than in the...
More »Outsiders in Kutch’s mini-Punjab: Sikh farmers battling for their land -Satish Jha
-The Indian Express Kutch (Gujarat): Bhajan Singh, 62, remembers the time curious villagers turned up to see a borewell his father Gopal Singh had dug up. The year was 1969 and it was the first time Sumrasar village, near Bhuj in Kutch district, had had a borewell. Few had ever seen it work, as they depended entirely on rainwater for the barely one crop they harvested a year. Originally from Pakistan, Gopal...
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