-The Business Standard Public discussion on falling poverty hits a new low The Lok Sabha was adjourned for a short duration on Wednesday following an uproar over the government’s latest figures for poverty. This follows widespread public outrage at those figures. A dispassionate observer of this discussion may be led to conclude that either poverty has risen dramatically or the government has somehow fudged the figures inexcusably and obviously. Elsewhere perhaps,...
Poverty rises in Northeast
-The Telegraph Guwahati may be waiting for its Mercedes Benz debut but the state’s poor have become poorer in the past five years, with Assam and four other states of the Northeast recording a rise in poverty levels, Planning Commission figures revealed today. Assam now has 116.4 lakh persons living below the poverty line, Manipur 12.5 lakh, Meghalaya 4.9 lakh, Mizoram 2.3 lakh, Tripura 6.3 lakh, Nagaland 4.1 lakh and Arunachal Pradesh...
More »Retail inflation at 8.83 per cent in February
-PTI Retail inflation was at 8.83 per cent in February on account of higher prices of protein based items and edible oil products. Retail inflation, based on the Consumer Price Index, was 7.65 per cent the January, as per the government data release here today. Among other items, only vegetable prices saw a decline of 4.73 per cent over the February 2011 level. During the month, the prices of egg, meat and fish rose...
More »Global food prices seen falling as demand growth slows: FAO
-Bloomberg World food prices will drop this year as increase in unemployment in developing and developed countries slows growth in demand, the United Nations said. “We have started to see a decline in food prices,” Jose Graziano da Silva, director general of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, said at a conference in Hanoi on Thursday. World economic expansion will slow to 3.3% this year from 3.8% in 2011, according to the International...
More »Subsidies a concern, action on diesel prices required
-The Business Standard Major subsidies extended by the government are likely to jump to Rs 1,34,411 crore during 2011-12 The Survey has warned of deteriorating fiscal health due to a mounting subsidy burden. The huge outgo over the past year has been largely on account of the global rally in crude oil prices, the fertiliser subsidy and state-controlled foodgrain prices, it said. It also blamed ‘coalition politics and federal considerations’ for holding...
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