-The Hindu The UP govt will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of 7 lakh small and marginalised farmers. Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, at its first Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, announced its decision to waive farmers’ loans worth Rs. 30,729 crore, writing off all farm loans up to Rs. 1 lakh. The government will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of seven lakh...
Extend farm loan waiver to all: HC -Sureshkumar
-The Hindu It also suggested that the Centre come forward to extend financial help to Tamil Nadu “during this difficult situation”. Chennai: Asserting that there is no rationale behind the classification of farmers into three groups for the purpose of granting farm loan waiver, and that there is no intelligible differentia taken note of by the State government, a Division Bench of the Madras High Court headed by Justice S. Nagamuthu has...
More »Droughts, floods, and suicides: What Bihar can teach Maharashtra and other states -Sanjiv Phansalkar
-VillageSquare.in A deeper dive is needed to draw insights from the low prevalence of farmer suicides in Bihar than in more developed regions of India such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh Suicide is among the most important antecedents of death in India, perhaps equaling, if not exceeding, road accidents. The better-developed and governed states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andhra Pradesh show a higher incidence of suicides (number of...
More »Loan waiver leaves Indian farmers trapped in deadly debt spiral -Bibhudatta Pradhan & Pratik Parija
-Livemint.com Narendra Modi’s election promise in Uttar Pradesh comes back to haunt as other states demand the Union govt offer an agriculture bailout package across the country New Delhi: An election promise to farmers in the politically sensitive state of Uttar Pradesh is coming back to haunt Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as other states demand the Union government offer an agriculture bailout package across the country. During the hard-fought election campaign, Modi pledged...
More »Farmers wilt under fodder, water crisis in Karnataka -Vishwanath Kulkarni & Anil Urs
-The Hindu Business Line Bengaluru: “There is no wateror fodder this year, and it has become tough to manage my three cows,” says Nagamma, a dairy farmer at Maradevanahalli village in Maddur taluk. The cows and her one-acre farm are her only sources of livelihood. “The milk yields have reduced: these days I get only about 5-6 litres, against 10-12 litres earlier,” she adds. The Maradevanahalli village panchayat provides about 200 litres...
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