CBI told to submit first report within six months Many States erred in implementing the schemes The Supreme Court on Thursday directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe alleged misuse of the schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in 100 villages in six districts of Orissa. A three-judge Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia, Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Swatanter Kumar gave this direction on a petition...
Eerie silence in Orissa over CBI NREGA probe by Akshaya Kumar Sahoo
Eleven years after he came to power in 2000 and regularly refuting charges of numerous scams and scandals that rocked the image of his government, Orissa chief minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik now finds himself in the dock. After the Supreme Court’s direction on Monday for the CBI probe into the alleged `500-crore scam in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), an eerie silence...
More »SC orders CBI to probe Orissa NREGS scam
-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the CBI to conduct free and fair investigation on the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gaurantee Act (MGNREGA) in 100 villages spanning across six districts of Orissa. Not limiting itself to Orissa, the three-member bench led by Chief Justice of India SH Kapadia also directed all states and the Centre to file reports showing compliance to the MNREGA operational...
More »Mandatory NREGA Digitisation Rubs States the Wrong Way by Devika Banerji
States are not sure if they will receive funds under the government’s flagship rural employment programme on time this year. Glitches in a governmentdeveloped software last year had delayed the digitised submission of progress reports by states, which is mandatory for sanction of funds under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA). The ensuing delay in sanction of funds stalled ongoing work and affected implementation of new ones....
More »Sehriya families to get additional work days under MGNREGA
The backward Sehriya community in Rajasthan will now get work for 200 days instead of 100 days under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA) this year, an official said."The state government has issued direction to provide job for 200 days per family in Sehriya community during the current fiscal year. The state government will bear the cost of additional 100 days," he said.The Gehlot government had announced the...
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