An anticorruption protest leader whose arrest on Tuesday morning reverberated across India, inciting outrage at the government, ended the day with a very different twist: He refused an offer to be released from jail. By late Tuesday, the scene outside Tihar Jail was playing on all-news channels across the country. More than 1,000 supporters waved flags and banners, chanting slogans, as the protest leader, Anna Hazare, rejected a police release order...
Preventive arrest only when peace is in imminent danger: Supreme Court by J Venkatesan
Even as the correctness of the preventive custody of social activist Anna Hazare under Section 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code is being questioned, the Supreme Court has cautioned the police to invoke this provision only when there is an imminent danger to the peace or likelihood of breach of peace under Section 107 Cr.PC. Such a preventive arrest could be made only if it “appears to the police officer concerned...
More »Deal Would Free Indian Activist and Allow Protests by Jim Yardley
The protest leader Anna Hazare appeared to strike a deal with the police early Thursday morning that would enable him to leave a local jail and begin staging a hunger strike against corruption later in the day, according to a close aide and reports in the Indian news media. One of Mr. Hazare’s aides, Kiran Bedi, announced via Twitter that Mr. Hazare had accepted a police offer to limit any...
More »India's Selective Rage Over Corruption by Manu Joseph
The best thing about Indian politicians is that they make you feel you are a better person. Not surprisingly, Indians often derive their moral confidence not through the discomfort of examining their own actions, but from regarding themselves as decent folks looted by corrupt, villainous politicians. This is at the heart of a self-righteous middle-class uprising against political corruption, a television news drama that reached its inevitable climax in Delhi on...
More »Police making 'arrests' without following law: Legal experts by Abhinav Sharma
Anna Hazare's arrest has raised intricate legal questions about the fundamental right to assemble peacefully. At the same time another right is being questioned. According to the legal experts, police in most states are making illegal arrests due to complete ignorance that the procedure related to arrests was amended on November 1 last year. Police must now issue a notice of appearance before making an arrest of a cognizable offense. The...
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