-The Indian Express He said the RBI board had “independently applied its mind” to send the relevant recommendation to the government. THERE WAS never any shortage of currency in the aftermath of the decision to demonetise high-value currency, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday while answering a clutch of questions on the issue. “At no point of time, not for a single day, was the currency inadequate. As...
Unemployment has risen sharply among SCs & STs in last 6 years
Amidst concerns over budgetary cuts in social sector spending, a recent statement from Shri Rao Inderjit Singh, Minister of State for Planning reveals that unemployment rate has risen much sharper among the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) vis-à-vis the overall population. Replying to a starred question by Shri PL Punia regarding Human Development Index (HDI) of SCs and STs, the Minister of State for Planning said on 6 February,...
More »Crop prices: The pulse of producers -Vivek Deshpande
-The Indian Express Israel Khan grows arhar as an intercrop in alternate rows with soyabean and cotton. Amravati: Israel Khan from Dhamori, Nandakishor Babhulkar from Mhaispur, Arun Shende from Rajura, Amol Savai from Naya Akola, and Salim Shah Baba Shah from Pusda — all villages in Amravati district — have the same story to tell. As farmers of arhar (pigeon pea) — a crop in the news not too long ago...
More »'Budget has little for demonetisation-hit social sectors' -Aesha Datta
-The Hindu Business Line Experts concerned over low allocations for key schemes New Delhi: It’s like demonetisation didn’t happen at all, activists and economists exclaim. Budget 2017-18, coming right after the demonetisation move, had raised hopes of greater allocations for social sectors — what with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mantra of Sabka saath sabka vikaas. Yet, there is all-round disappointment. “It is quite extraordinary. Post demonetisation, this is when you needed substantial moves for...
More »Activist says budget is not good for farmers -Sowmya Aji
-The Economic Times BENGALURU: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s pro-farmer pro-rural budget has largely got a thumbs down from farm activists and agriculture experts in Karnataka, a state with 91 percent of its area reeling under severe drought and a rural economy collapse post-demonetisation. The state’s current agriculture growth rate, despite the drought, is an estimated 4.2 per cent, marginally higher than the 4.1 per cent that Jaitley has projected for the country....
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