The Centre will spend around Rs.30,000 crore on providing more than 2.5 lakh villages with broadband connectivity through optical fibre, Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Infrastructure, Innovation and Information, said on Monday. He was speaking to journalists after launching Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited's voice and video telephony over Internet protocol (VVoIP) here. “We need 30,000-40,000 km more of optical fibre…we probably need Rs.25,000-Rs.30,000 crore for all this. We are...
CM Mamata bans government buying land, grounds key projects by Subrata Nagchoudhury
Kolkata : Mamata Banerjee’s announcement banning the acquisition of land by any government department or agency for industry has grounded over a dozen key industrial parks across the state. These projects, in various stages of progress — and in which land acquisition was on — account for a committed investment of Rs 50,000 crore. The announcement — underlined by the state Industries and Finance Ministers — has stunned industry and so...
More »Licence to loot by Ravi Sharma
A host of steel-manufacturing units are keen to set up plants in Karnataka, and all want captive mines. SOUTH KOREA'S Posco is not the only steel-maker keen to do business in Karnataka. The State's estimated 9,000 million tonnes of good-quality iron ore reserves, which is the second largest in India, the State government's assurances on a smooth land acquisition process, the availability of water and the promise of speedy regulatory clearances...
More »Posco in south by Ravi Sharma
THERE is money on offer, but the farmers of Halligudi, a hamlet of 5,500 people in Karnataka's Gadag district, are hardly happy at the prospect of 3,382 acres (one acre is 0.4 hectare) of farmland being acquired for a Rs.32,336-crore steel plant south of National Highway 63, which runs between Karwar and Bellary. The plant is to be set up by the Indian subsidiary of the South Korean steel major Posco...
More »India: Train crash in Uttar Pradesh kills dozens
-BBC At least 69 people have been killed and almost 250 injured in a train derailment in northern India. A dozen coaches of the Kalka Mail passenger train left the rails near the town of Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh. Rescue workers and locals have been working through the night to try to free trapped passengers from the badly damaged carriages. The train was travelling from Howrah near Calcutta to the capital Delhi and...
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