The central government had diverted Rs 20,000 crore of funds meant for tribal people’s welfare to other departments in the past two years, CPM Politburo member and Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch president Brinda Karat alleged here on Monday. Speaking at a dharna organised by the AP Girijana Sangham in front of the office of the Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) here to seek release of more funds for the welfare of...
Two Orissa villages oppose Posco by Nitin Sethi
The Orissa government bats for it, the PMO is in favour and environment minister Jairam Ramesh has obliged, but the Rs 54,000-crore Posco project has found two difficult adversaries —the villages of Dhinkia and Gobindpur. The two villages have written to Ramesh, saying they have not agreed to the takeover of forest land for the integrated steel plant under the Forest Rights Act and complained the Act has not been implemented...
More »tribals thank to govt for religion tag
The tribals have expressed their gratitude to the state government for registering Sarna religion in the census format. The move came following the directive from state census director Nitin Madan Kulkarni to the state officials asking them to allow the tribals mention Sarna as their religion in the religion code of the census format. "We are happy at the gesture shown by the state government in letting the tribals mention...
More »Palaniappan Chidambaram, Indian Home Minister interviewed by Amol Sharma and Paul Beckett
Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram is the nation's domestic security chief, overseeing a broad portfolio that includes battling a homegrown Maoist insurgency and routing out terrorists. The 65-year-old, a veteran of the ruling Congress Party who previously held senior economic posts and played a key role in the country's post-1991 liberalization, is considered a future contender for the post of prime minister. Recently, he spoke to The Wall Street Journal. Here...
More »Reconversion fear stalks MP Christians by Vikas Pathak
The RSS-sponsored Samajik Kumbh at Mandla, which is known for considerable tribal population and sizeable church presence, has created a sense of unease among Christians who fear they may be targets. The Kumbh — where lakhs of people are expected to gather from February 10 to 12 — at Mandla, 95 km from here, is being seen as a show of strength by the RSS. There is buzz that it is...
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