The year 2022 was supposed to mark the recovery of the Indian economy from the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns of the preceding two years. However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February pushed up prices of food, fuel and fertilizer worldwide. In India consumer price inflation, which had declined to under 5 percent in the September-November period of 2021, has steadily increased, staying above 6 percent throughout 2022. What happened to rural incomes in 2022? An...
How will Indian Cities Fare if a Turkey-like Earthquake Strikes the Subcontinent?
On 6 February, 2023 Southern Turkey and the adjoining areas in Syria were hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake followed by several aftershocks. The tremors have flattened buildings and destroyed roads and other infrastructure. At least 35,000 casualties (UPDATE) have occurred across Turkey and Syria, with the vast majority being in the former nation. A news report cited the Turkish environment minister saying that 24,921 buildings across the region had collapsed. What...
More »The number of Micro, Small, Medium enterprises that closed in 2022-23 was 6000% greater than two years ago - Parliamentary Question
Rajya Sabha 10,655 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) closed in 2022-23. That is a 6,088% increase over the number in 2021-22, with 175 closures. The data was revealed by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India as part of the response to a Parliamentary Question asked in the Rajya Sabha. The data was compiled from the Udyam registration portal, the Ministry's online portal for registrations and...
More »Indian banks gave more home loans than agricultural credit
In each of the last three years – from 2020 through 2022 – Indian banks lent more money to retail customers purchasing homes than they did to farmers. In fiscal year (FY)2021-22 commercial banks gaveRs. 17.54 lakh crore worth of housing loans, while agriculture and allied activities got Rs. 15.16 lakh crore. That is nearly 14 percent less. In FY 2021 and FY 2020 – one of which saw a...
More »No caste certificate, no admission: Why Chhattisgarh’s displaced Adivasi children can’t go to school - Pratyush Deep
Their lack of documentation means they struggle to enrol in schools and colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - Newslaundry Tribal youth displaced from Chhattisgarh are finding it difficult to enrol in schools and colleges in AP and Telangana because of the difficulty in obtaining caste certificates, Newslaundry reports. Primary schooling isn’t a problem because even remote hamlets have primary schools up to Class 5. However, to study further, they have to...
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