-The Hindu It had sued them for Rs. 20 lakh PepsiCo has applied to withdraw its cases against two brothers who are major potato farmers and traders in the Banaskantha district of Gujarat. This is the first concrete move taken by the company to back down from its cases against at least nine potato farmers who grew its protected variety used to make Lays chips. PepsiCo’s lawyer filed the application in a Deesa court...
Hard Look: Hot Potato -Sohini Ghosh
-The Indian Express Amid the ongoing controversy that erupted with PepsiCo India’s lawsuits against 11 farmers for growing its patented potato variety, The Indian Express meets the affected farmers to find the genesis of the problem . Among the 11 farmers of Gujarat who have been slapped lawsuits by PepsiCo India for “illegally” growing its patented potato variety FL 2027, are Fulchand Kachchhawa and his brother Suresh of Malgadh village in...
More »Gujarat govt. to back potato farmers in PepsiCo fight -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Congress’ Ahmed Patel says Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority should have intervened With protests coming from all ends of the political spectrum, the Gujarat government has decided to back four potato farmers in their fight against PepsiCo’s Rs. 4.2 crore lawsuit against them for allegedly infringing its rights by growing the potato used in Lays chips. State will join A senior official told The Hindu that the State government...
More »Gujarat declares drought after months of delay -Jitendra
-Down to Earth While other states had declared drought months ago, Gujarat govt kept calling it a “scarcity of water” While other states like Karnataka, Maharshtra, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh had declared drought at the very offset of the southwest monsoon, and began work on mitigation measures, the Gujarat government remained silent despite receiving deficit rainfall in most of the districts. Until yesterday, the Gujarat government had been terming the situation...
More »In Gujarat, custodial death of Dalit man shines light on cases closed before court remands -Abhishek Dey
-Scroll.in Between 2007 and 2016, in 80.9% of reported cases, individuals in police custody in the state died before being produced in court, according to government data. On Sunday, a Dalit man died while in police custody on the outskirts of Dhanera town in Gujarat’s Banaskantha district. Lubaram Uttamaram, 25, a migrant labourer from Rajasthan’s Barmer district, was picked up by the police from a check post on the border of...
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