-The Hindu No plan to merge the EPF with NPS, says Nirmala Sitharaman. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said there is no intent to discourage higher income earners from saving with the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and that she was open to reviewing the contribution limit of ₹2.5 lakh a year for tax-free interest, imposed in the recent Union Budget. Reiterating that the EPF will continue to remain in its present form, the...
With EPFO’s new facility, Principal Employers can view EPF compliance of contractors
-The Hindu Business Line Principal Employers not registered with EPFO can register on the Unified Portal and add details of their contractor(s), contract employees The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has launched a new electronic facility for Principal Employers which makes it easier for them to view EPF compliances of their contractors. EPFO made the announcement on its Twitter handle on Monday. “EPFO launches electronic facility for PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS to view EPF compliances of...
More »A mirage sold as a panacea for the unorganised sector -Mohan Mani and Babu Mathew
-The Hindu The labour codes will only better India’s ‘ease of doing business’ ranking instead of improving conditions of employment In an interview with The Hindu in October this year, the Union Labour Minister claimed that the four labour codes would generate employment and secure the basic rights of the workers. He also claimed that the labour codes seek to universalise the right to minimum wage of workers and social security entitlements....
More »Briefing Note for Parliamentarians on Labour Law Reforms
-Press release by Working Peoples' Charter dated 21st September, 2020 Amidst the micro and macro-economic crisis of the last 5 years, the union government has aggressively pushed the agenda of labour law reforms -- purportedly to simplify India’s ‘complex’ labour legislations, improve the business environment, and augment growth and employment. These changes, driven primarily by the business fraternity, have been aimed at improving India’s ranking in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’...
More »The draft social security code: A case of unfulfilled aspiration -Kingshuk Sarkar
-Vikalp.ind.in Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India has amalgamated all the existing social security legislations into a Code. The proposed draft Code on Social Security is presently being referred to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour for examination. This commentary highlights the salient features of the proposed code and discusses the areas of improvement and concerns. After considerable period of deliberations and consultations, the union government has circulated the draft...
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