-Down to Earth Telangana Chief Minister said cloudbursts may be a 'foreign conspiracy' during his visit to flood-hid Bhadrachalam India, especially its Himalayan states Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, are devastated by cloudbursts several times moslty during the monsoon season. Flash Floods caused by a cloudburst in Uttarakhand in 2013, killing thousands of people, is one of the worst natural disasters the country recorded since the 2004 tsunami. Climate change has been making these...
Sand Pit Warriors -Moumita Chaudhuri
-The Telegraph The Telegraph reports on a riverine community’s determination to save its environs Once upon a time, when my forefathers were looking for land to settle down, they found this barren sandbar and decided to make it a habitable place,” says Nani Roy, 42, a resident of Manachar. Char is the Bengali word for sandbar. Manachar is the sandbar that extends from Durgapur Barrage to Panagarh in Burdwan district. About three...
More »Amarnath Flash Flood: Death toll rises to 16, search on
-PTI/ The Telegraph Officials say 15,000 stranded pilgrims are shifted to the lower base camp of Panjtarni and 25 injured people are rushed to hospitals Srinagar: The death toll in the Flash Flood triggered by heavy rain near the Amarnath cave shrine rose to 16 on Saturday as the search continued without a break amid fears that many were still trapped under the debris. Officials said 15,000 stranded pilgrims were shifted to the...
More »Monsoon’s debut week in Himachal: Disaster toll already at 44 -Rohit Prashar
-Down to Earth Wednesday’s Kullu cloudburst among 10 major incidents since rains started June 29 in hill state The number of natural disasters in Himachal Pradesh has risen after the southwest monsoon entered the state June 29, 2022. More than 10 major incidents of landslides, Flash Floods and cloudbursts have been reported in which 44 people have died and 45 have been injured, according to state government data. Experts said the tampering of...
More »In one of the wettest places on earth, devastating landslides and Flash Floods leave 34 dead -Rokibuz Zaman
-Scroll.in The state has said excess rainfall is to blame but experts and activists on the ground say rampant mining and construction has destroyed the landscape. On the morning of June 17, it was raining heavily when a family of five sat down to have breakfast in Kenmynsaw village in Meghalaya’s East Khasi village. The rainfall triggered landslides in the area. As they heard the rumble of a landslide, 54-year-old Drit Byrsaw and...
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