-The Hindu Last week, a Delhi-based Right To Information (RTI) activist, Lokesh Batra, finally got responses to his request for information on the public funds spent on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official foreign trips between June 2014 and June 2015. Mr. Batra was forced to write separately to every Embassy and High Commission in each of the countries the Mr. Modi visited, and yet some denied him the information on the...
India pushes EU to revoke ban on four veggies -Amiti Sen
-The Hindu Business Line Points out that norms same for mangoes, which are allowed New Delhi: India is pushing the European Union (EU) to revoke an import ban on four vegetables: brinjal, snake gourd, taro and bitter gourd. The ban was imposed last year after fruit flies were found in some consignments from India. The ban continues to be in force even though import of mangoes, which had been prohibited along with...
More »PM2.5 level in Delhi 10 times more than WHO limits: Greenpeace
-PTI In an alarming news about the quality of air in Delhi, a survey has found the deadly PM2.5 levels in the national capital was 10 times higher than the safety limit prescribed by the World Health Organisation. Air quality monitoring survey conducted by Greenpeace inside five prominent schools in the city also found that the PM2.5 levels were four times more against the prescribed Indian safety limits. "The real-time monitoring data from...
More »India denies ‘caste’ as factor of gender inequality -Meena Menon
-The Hindu This draws angry reaction from civil society organisations Bangkok: India on Tuesday changed the word caste to "social origin" in the draft Asian and Pacific ministerial declaration on advancing gender equality and women's empowerment at the conference under way here to review the goals of the Beijing platform for action 20 years later. The text will be finalised over the next two days after the Ministers from the region debate on...
More »Not all rape cases in courts in fast lane -Aneesha Mathur
-The Indian Express New Delhi: Days after the December 16 gangrape incident, hundreds of rape cases were sent to special fast track courts for a speedy trial. In fact, in January this year, six newly created special fast track courts for sexual offences received over 500 cases within three weeks of their creation. A year later, the trial in the December 16 case is complete. The case is midway through appeal...
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