-The Hindu Plea seeks food security, cash transfers for migrant workers who went back to their villages during lockdown The Supreme Court on Friday asked the States and Union Territories to furnish particulars of unorganised and migrant workers to the Centre. The court said a further order could be passed based on these details to protect the interests of workers in a case filed by activists Anjali Bharadwaj, Harsh Mander and Jagdeep...
Labour Day brings no hope for 1 lakh workers employed in Aligarh’s lock industry -Pradeep Saxena
-The Pioneer Aligarh: The observance of May 1 as Labour Day brings no hope for betterment to about 1 lakh labourers employed in Aligarh’s lock and hardware units when seminars, conferences and rallies were organized in different parts of the city to mark Labour Day. Getting education for their children aged 8 to 14 years is a mirage. For earning little sums, they pay a heavy price in terms of their...
More »RTI Data During the Pandemic: Many Departments Show dip in the Number of Applications, but Some Record Steep Rise in Rejections -Venkatesh Nayak
-Newsclick.in VENKATESH NAYAK analyses data from the Central Information Commission’s Annual Report for 2021-21 to demonstrate the frequency of rejecting RTI applications under various exemption clauses of the RTI Act used by different central public authorities and Union Territories, comparing the rejections numbers with the same for the previous year. WITH a 2.95 per cent dip in the number of applications under the Right to Information [RTI] Act filed across central public...
More »55% of construction workers’ welfare fund unspent
-The Hindu Rs. 35,399.40 crore spent from ₹78,521.24 crore collected, Minister tells Lok Sabha in written reply Over half the amount collected in the form of a cess on construction projects to fund welfare schemes for workers has not been utilised so far, the Labour and Employment Ministry informed the Lok Sabha on Thursday. The cess, collected under the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996, is supposed to be used...
More »SC to Consider Hearing Plea Seeking Food, Welfare Measures for Migrant Workers During Third Covid Wave
-PTI/ News18.com The activists, in the fresh plea, have sought directions to the Centre to file a status report with respect to compliance of the directions given in the judgment delivered in June last year. The Supreme Court Wednesday said it would consider listing for hearing the fresh plea of activists seeking implementation of an earlier order on ensuring food security and other welfare measures for migrant workers who are again in...
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