DJ Parmar, the postmaster of Kukda village of Surendra Nagar district in Gujarat, besides handling letters and money orders, has now taken an additional responsibility. He will take orders from farmers for supplying of seeds prior to the forthcoming kharif sowing season. In the neighbouring Danawada village, post master VS Verma is also gearing up to take the additional responsibility for ensuring that quality seed reaches farmers on time. Thanks...
Shining Bright by Manav Chopra
The new joke on Dalal street is that gold prices are soaring, not because of increased demand in the US, India and China, but because Shilpa Shetty has bought half the gold in India for her wedding dress! Jokes apart, the yellow metal has hit headlines recently because of its spectacular rise. Prices have spiked as investors now prefer gold to the weakening US dollar. The US economy has lurched...
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