-The Hindu India records 2,59,291 new cases on Thursday Like every wave in the past, cases fuelled by the Omicron variant of COVID-19 have initially spread only in the urban areas. However, many rural and semi-rural places recorded a sharp spike in infections in the past week. At the start of this year, 50% of the cases were from urban centres such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. However, the share reduced to...
Covid: Demand for oxygen beds and cylinders decouples from past -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph The trends so far are in line with observations from South Africa, where demand has been lower during omicron-driven surge The demand for oxygen beds and ventilators for Covid-19 patients appears for now decoupled from the steep rise in cases and hospitalisation, doctors said on Sunday, citing early observations over the past week in Calcutta, Delhi and Mumbai. The counts of hospitalised Covid-19 patients have increased in all three cities, but...
More »1,41,986 Covid Cases In India Today, 21% Up From Yesterday, Positivity 9% -Parimal Kumar
-NDTV.com People flying in from abroad will need to home quarantine for a week after landing in India and test on the eighth day, according to new rules. New Delhi: India reported 1,41,986 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, a week after the country crossed the 10,000 mark, as the virus continued to spread at an unprecedented pace, largely driven by the Omicron variant now present in 27 states. Here are the top...
More »Third wave: As Covid-19 hospitalisations rise, even the vaccinated are not spared -Sumi Sukanya Dutta
-The New Indian Express Vaccinated persons who get the virus are more likely to have mild symptoms, if any, since the shots trigger multiple defences in the immune system, making it more difficult for Omicron. NEW DELHI: As the number of Covid-19 patients increase, trend suggests both unvaccinated and vaccinated are landing up in hospitals in equal measures. Many hospitals in the National Capital Region, which is seeing a sharp rise in...
More »Nothing will 'rein in’ Covid surge now, say experts as R-value tops 2nd wave peak -Paran Balakrishnan
-The Telegraph Omicron makes up 80 per cent of cases in Delhi, Mumbai; Bengal logs highest test positivity rate India is in the middle of a Covid-19 surge that’s rising exponentially and can’t be reined in by booster shots at this stage, says a leading virologist. “For this wave, we are too late. Nothing will now rein it in,” says virologist T. Jacob John. We could see the Omicron surge play out two...
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