-The Indian Express On Sunday, Health Minister Nitin Patel said the state government has “reviewed the High Court order and its observations” and “held a meeting to discuss and give a reply... next week.” Ahmedabad: ALL COVID patients are managed by junior resident doctors, with no senior professor on duty for rounds or emergency. Doctors on non-Covid duty are not given PPE Kits, N-95 masks, or proper gloves. Not even 10 per...
UP journalist interrogated by police for story on low quality PPEs -Ayush Tiwari
-Newslaundry.com Such interrogations have to happen officially, they cannot question me about my sources and contacts over tea.’ A journalist in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow was interrogated by the Special Task Force of the state’s police after reporting on low-quality personal protective equipment kits supplied to hospitals and colleges in the state. On April 17, Lucknow-based journalist Manish Pandey of News1 India, a Hindi news channel, broke the story of a letter sent by...
More »Govt estimates: In next 2 months, need 27 million N95 masks, 50000 ventilators -Harikishan Sharma
-The Indian Express According to sources, this was conveyed to industry representatives during a meeting on April 3 of the empowered group of officials on “coordinating with private sector, NGOs and international organisations”, which is headed by the NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant. Estimating a spike in demand for personal protective equipment and diagnostic kits in the fight against COVID-19, the central government has calculated that the country will require about 27...
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