-The Hindu Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday announced a Rs. 1.70 lakh crore package which is likely to benefit 80 crore people. In her second media conference in a week, Ms. Sitharaman announced a slew of welfare decisions as the nation is under lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the highlights from her speech: * The Finance Minister announced ₹1.70 lakh crore package Pradhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan Yojana, targetting 80 crore people. *...
PM fulfils promise, 8 crore poor families get LPG before deadline
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Saturday fulfil, seven months ahead of schedule, his government's promise to help women in eight crore poor households breathe easy by replacing their smoky 'chulhas' (earthen ovens) with LPG connection and stove free of cost. The PM will hand over the connection number eight crore under his government's transformational social sector scheme - Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, commonly referred to...
More »Cooking with gas, not wood -Sangita Vyas & Aashish Gupta
-The Hindu Under the PM Ujjwala Yojana, rural areas that still rely on solid fuel can be encouraged in three ways to use clean fuel When we introduced ourselves to Kishan Kumar Dubey, he remembered that we had visited his home four years ago. Mr. Dubey was a respondent in our study conducted on solid fuel use in 1,550 households between August and December 2018. Wearing glasses, Mr. Dubey sat on his...
More »'Ujjwala connections get three refills annually on an average' -Twesh Mishra
-The Hindu Business Line Oil companies gear up to meet LPG demand after Ujjwala expansion New Delhi: The annual average demand for LPG cylinder refills is now three under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) according to IndianOil Chairman, Sanjiv Singh. “The average number of LPG refills in every household across the country was close to seven plus before the Ujjwala scheme was launched. This has now tapered to seven and the...
More »LPG, toilet, house: BJP built solid rural assets but income didn't rise
-The Indian Express “Incomes” not rising, due to low crop prices and stagnating wages, has more than offset any “asset” gains in the recent period, which also probably explains the party’s heavy losses in the three states it ruled, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. New Delhi: The big rural economy takeaway for the BJP from the just-concluded assembly elections is that mere asset creation — building roads, houses and toilets or...
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