-The Hindu Shaktikanta Das says Rs. 12.44 lakh crore in invalid notes may not have come back to banks The Finance Ministry on Thursday said the Rs. 12.44 lakh crore figure reported by the Reserve Bank of India as the amount having been deposited in banks since the November 8 demonetisation announcement could be inflated due to double-counting. Department of Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said the RBI had infused three times the...
Supreme Court questions Centre about demonetisation, asks who made policy
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday asked the Centre whether its decision to bring in demonetisation was taken in absolute secrecy while hearing a bunch of petitions questioning the Narendra Modi government’s rationale behind the implementation of the policy. “When you made the policy on demonetisation, was it confidential?” the top court asked. Chief Justice TS Thakur also asked why the Centre’s order granting limit of Rs 24,000 per day...
More »Imposed only reasonable restrictions, govt. tells SC -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu Affidavit in SC denies any lack of preparedness in implementing the demonetisation policy Curb on money transactions, including withdrawals and wedding expenses, are “only reasonable restrictions” imposed on the rights of the public for a limited time, the government said in its latest affidavit. “Cancellation of legal tender of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes is only a reasonable restriction and regulatory in nature. Merely because there is a restriction on...
More »Slumber fear grips economy
-The Telegraph The pundits have started to crunch numbers to assess the immediate impact of the Narendra Modi government's demonetisation drive on the economy, businesses and households - and the picture doesn't look too good. A consensus has started to emerge that the economy will take a hard knock in the short term with GDP growth likely to contract by 0.7 to 1 percentage point over the next year. The maximum impact...
More »In fact: When the money stops -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The effects of de-monetisation will be the most acute when it spreads from consumption in households to production in factories and by farmers across the country. So far, the effects of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘de-monetisation’ of existing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomination currency notes have been largely felt by households, shopkeepers and other microenterprises. These economic agents have, to a limited extent, adjusted to the new situation...
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