-IndiaToday.in Police have booked 20 priests in Tamil Nadu’s Chidambaram Nataraja temple under the SC/ST Act for stopping a woman from getting onto a platform to pray. They also falsely accused her of stealing a vessel. Chennai: Twenty priests employed at Chidambaram Natarajar temple in Tamil Nadu were booked under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 for stopping a scheduled caste woman from praying while standing on...
A slogan no longer sectarian -Harish S Wankhede
-The Hindu ‘Jai Bhim’ is inspiring various marginalised communities and not just Dalits to bring about transformative change. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is often seen only as a Dalit icon. And ‘Jai Bhim’, a slogan coined by Babu Hardas, a firebrand Ambedkarite working class leader from Nagpur, is usually considered as a sectarian greeting. However, this salutation, which displays the reverence that the deprived sections have for Ambedkar’s contribution to their emancipation, is...
More »‘Jai Bhim’ director Tha Se Gnanavel: ‘More brutal than lock-up torture is the silence of society’ -Nandini Ramnath
-Scroll.in The Suriya-led legal drama is based on an actual incident of police brutality in Tamil Nadu. Tha Se Gnanavel’s phone has been ringing non-stop ever since his movie Jai Bhim started streaming on Amazon Prime Video on November 2. “I thought people would say this is a good film, but the response has been far more than expected,” Gnanavel told Scroll.in. “The film has now has led to a discussion. In...
More »18 years after inter-caste couple was poisoned in public, TN court finds 13 guilty -Nirupa Sampath
-TheNewsMinute.com A Dalit man and a Vanniyar woman had become victims to her family’s wrath in 2003. They were poisoned in public and their bodies burnt. On July 7, 2003, a young couple- Murugesan and Kannagi- were tied up at a public place in front of almost 300 people in the Puthukkooraippettai village near Virudhachalam in Tamil Nadu- they were forced to drink poison and then their bodies burnt. Eighteen years after...
More »National helpline for migrant and informal workers launched by civil society organisations
-Press statement by Working Peoples Charter (WPC) and Aajeevika Bureau dated 18th September, 2021 The Working Peoples Charter (WPC), along with Aajeevika Bureau, launched the National Helpline for workers on September 18, 2021, at the Press Club in Mumbai. The helpline, known as the India Labourline, has been operational since July 16, 2021, and has its headquarters in Mumbai. In the last two months, the helpline has received 2497 calls and provided...
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