The Internet Freedom Foundation has requested the Tamil Nadu government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification - Medianama The Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) has written to the Tamil Nadu Finance Secretary requesting the government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification such as a driving license, voter ID, or passport to avail benefits of government schemes. Violation of privacy and...
TN plans unique number for each state resident -Divya Chandrababu
-Hindustan Times Chief minister M K Stalin had during the assembly sessions spoken of data-centric governance and the TNeGA department is responsible for driving all technology initiatives for the state Government. The data would be available in English and Tamil Chennai: The Tamil Nadu e-governance agency (TNeGA) conducted a pre-bid meeting on Thursday as the state government is looking to build tools to create a unique individual number for each resident of...
More »Teacher shortage in Jharkhand schools, most pupils have forgotten how to read and write, post-Covid survey shows
Jharkhand's government schools have a massive teacher shortage, a survey by Gyan Vigyan Samiti Jharkhand has found. The survey was conducted in 138 primary and upper primary schools between September and October 2022 to assess their condition after the Covid-19 pandemic. Jharkhand's school system was shut for two years, among the longest in the world. Teachers told the surveyors they felt that most students had forgotten how to read and...
More »Inclusion of communities in ST list still on the backburner -Abhinay Lakshman
-The Hindu Opposition MPs question government’s inaction on 2014 task force’s recommendation of over 40 communities for inclusion Over the past one week, while the Parliament has discussed the inclusion of various communities in the Scheduled Tribes lists of Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Himachal Pradesh, Opposition MPs — specifically from Odisha — have questioned the government about the list of communities that were already recommended for inclusion on a priority basis...
More »ICDS adversely affected post-Covid, says economist -Animesh Bisoee
-The Telegraph Jean Dreze claims that in the case of PDS, condition of Chhattisgarh and Odisha is better than Jharkhand Jamshedpur: Economist Jean Dreze said on Friday that not even 70 per cent of public distribution system (PDS) beneficiaries in Jharkhand have been receiving foodgrains after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Belgian economist, social scientist and activist painted a dismal picture of the public distribution system in the state while addressing a workshop on...
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