-Scroll.in The Aadhaar authority said that sharing the unique ID is not in accordance with the law. The Unique Identification Authority of India on Tuesday issued a statement warning people against sharing their Aadhaar number on social media platforms or elsewhere, and posing challenges to others. The Aadhaar authority said that such activities are in contravention of the law. The warning follows Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chairperson Ram Sewak Sharma’s act...
The public data office is here
-The Hindu Business Line Promises to do for data what PCOs did for voice calls decades ago Mumbai: Gone are the days when consumers would walk miles to get to a Public Call Office (PCO) booth to make telephone calls. With mobile telephony covering every corner of the country, an affordable conversation is now only a button away, and the PCO box has all but disappeared. Now, with huge demand for internet services,...
More »Net neutrality: TRAI releases recommendations, says no 'discriminatory treatment' on content - Navadha Pandey
-Hindustan Times/ Livemint.com TRAI in its new recommendations has backed the core principles of Net Neutrality. India’s telecom regulator has backed the basic principles of an open and free internet in its recommendations on net neutrality, a term which means people should get equal access to the internet and broadband providers should not favour any apps and services. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s guidelines released on Tuesday say that no internet access...
More »How many Indians have Internet? -Aarati Krishnan
-The Hindu Popularly quoted figure of 28% is not accurate; here’s why Chennai: Go digital or else. Since demonetisation, the government has been sending out this stern message to citizens who are still wedded to cash transactions. But to go digital, a key prerequisite is access to the Internet. How many Indians have it? Official statistics suggest that the number is as high as 28% of the population. But as with most statistics, digging...
More »BharatNet project: Ground work ready, connectivity not so much -Pranav Mukul
-The Indian Express With optic fibre cables laid in over 65,000 gram panchayats, Centre’s BharatNet project seems on track to achieve its 1,00,000 target by March 2017. However, lack of active connectivity remains a concern. Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar/ New Delhi: With less than 25 per cent of the 65,475 gram panchayats in the country with optic fibre connectivity having active internet under the BharatNet project, the success of Centre’s push for digital payments...
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