-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Thursday restored the right of complainant and survivor Zakia Jafri to access all documents related to the SIT investigation that were submitted to the Supreme Court between May 2010 and July-August 2011 to enable her to file her protest petition against the SIT's closure report exonerating Chief Minister Narendra Modi and 61 others. A three-Judge Bench of Justices P. Sathasivam, Aftab Alam and Ranjana Desai directed...
Zakia Jafri to File Protest Petition on 2002 Report by Nov 7
-Outlook Ahmedabad: A local court today granted more time to Zakia Jafri to file a protest petition challenging the Closure Report of the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT) which gave a clean chit to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi among others in the 2002 riot cases. The court of metropolitan magistrate B J Ganatra today directed Zakia to either inform the court about the status of the Special Leave Petition (SLP)...
More »Where law wins out
-The Indian Express The arc of history may finally be bending towards justice for the victims of communal violence that gripped Gujarat in 2002. Thirty-two people, including Maya Kodnani, formerly women and child development minister in the Narendra Modi government, and Babu Bajrangi, a Bajrang Dal leader, were convicted by a special court in Gujarat for their roles in the Naroda Patiya massacre in Ahmedabad. This is the first time, after exhaustive...
More »News Analysis: In absolving Modi, SIT mixes up Godhra, post-Godhra perpetrators-Vidya Subrahmaniam
Cites five instances where CM promised punishment for train attack as proof of lack of bias In its closure report filed in the Zakia Jafri case, the Special Investigation Team appears to have mixed up the Godhra and post-Godhra violence, citing Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's promise to ensure justice in the former case as proof that he could never have asked his officials to allow Hindus to vent their anger...
More »No closure
-The Indian Express The SIT was set up to clear the path for justice in Gujarat. Instead, it trips on itself Ten years after the riots in Gujarat, many answers are still to be wrenched out of the system. However, the judiciary has shown its determination to ensure a thorough accounting — last month, a judgment on the Ode killings convicted 23 people. The Supreme Court, in particular, has taken extraordinary measures...
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