-The Indian Express/ PTI inputs Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared Rs 2 lakh compensation each to the kin of the deceased and Rs 50,000 each to those injured. Surat: Fifteen people were killed early on Tuesday when a dumper truck ran over a group of migrant labourers from Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh who were sleeping on a pavement on the Kim-Mandvi road in Surat. Six others, including the driver and cleaner of...
Prison of Poverty: Agri Workers’ Wages Have Barely Increased in Modi Years -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in No scheme touches them, no law reaches them – but they hope that a better deal for farmers will benefit them. At the Ghazipur border between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, Manish and a few of his friends have joined the farmers’ dharna only a few days back. They live in Baghpat district, barely a few dozen kilometres from the protest site but it could be another continent, or another age. “In the...
More »Over 1.4 Lakh Labourers Toil in Maharashtra Sugar Mills Without Safety Measures -Varsha Torgalkar
-Newsclick.in As harvest is on, labourers want to return to their villages since they are scared of being exposed to COVID-19 as mill owners have not provided them any facility, like water, food, shelter or sanitisers. Pune: Sanjay Aladar, 37, who is currently harvesting sugarcane at Palus village in Maharashtra, stays at the farm and shares a common toilet and washroom with other labourers. Scared of transmission of COVID-19 that is spreading...
More »Eight years in bonded labour, tribals recall horror, now hope for new life, homes -Kavitha Iyer
-The Indian Express For eight years, Kantabai Jadhav was among 14 tribal men and women, and eight children, who lived as bonded labourers working on farms, a cowshed and a rice mill just 120 km from Mumbai in Dhamane village of Pune’s Maval taluka. Ahmednagar, Pune: “They would call us dogs, and other bad words for women… There was no cooking oil, nor any vegetables, ever. There was dried fish and foodgrain...
More »Acute shortage of labour to extend Maharashtra's sugar season -Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The start of the sugarcane season in Maharashtra is marked by the seasonal migration of around 7-8 lakh labourers from Marathwada and North Maharashtra to the mills in various parts of the state. Pune: Maharashtra’s sugarcane crushing is all set to extend by at least a fortnight as mills complain of acute shortage of harvesting labourers. Mills say that at present around 15-20 per cent less labourers have turned...
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