-Scroll.in The Aadhaar authority said that sharing the unique ID is not in accordance with the law. The Unique Identification Authority of India on Tuesday issued a statement warning people against sharing their Aadhaar number on social media platforms or elsewhere, and posing challenges to others. The Aadhaar authority said that such activities are in contravention of the law. The warning follows Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chairperson Ram Sewak Sharma’s act...
New EPF enrolment during Sep., 2017 to Apr., 2018 confined to a few industries & states, indicates data
A document of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) dated 25th June, 2018 says that the number of members subscribing to the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) scheme gives one an idea of the level of employment in the formal sector viz. mostly employment in establishments employing 20 or more persons (though EPF is applicable for certain organisations, which employ less than 20 persons, subject to certain conditions and...
More »Know your Aadhaar -Jean Dreze
-The Indian Express Bill Gates’s claim that it raises no privacy concerns is misleading. Crucial issues that have to do with confidentiality of data and state surveillance are at stake. According to Bill Gates, privacy is not a concern with Aadhaar (‘Aadhaar doesn’t pose any privacy issue, says Bill Gates’, IE, May 3). This widely-quoted statement would have been more convincing if Gates had shown a clear understanding of the Aadhaar project....
More »Aadhaar open to attack from cyber criminals: RBI-backed paper
-The Hindu Bengaluru: Aadhaar, an identity number issued to all Indians based on their biometric and demographic data, faces a potential threat from cyber criminals which can cripple the economy, according to a white paper done by the Institute for Development and Research in Banking, which is affiliated to the Reserve Bank of India. “Thanks to Aadhaar, for the first time in the history of India, there is now a readily...
More »It's 2018 and into the bin the Aadhaar must go -Mitali Saran
-Business Standard It's hurting the people, violating their fundamental rights, including the right to privacy and the right to life, and it's absurd Happy new year! The new year is traditionally our chance to reflect soberly on what a big pile of doo-doo the previous year was. It’s a chance to admit that we stepped in poo, and there’s nothing to do but to hose off our shoes, and resolve to step...
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