For nearly three decades, Selvi V. has lived in a village in the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu, 75km from Chennai, without a toilet. And there really wasn’t any need felt to have one in this family of daily wage farm labourers. Selvi and her now-married daughter would wake up either early every morning or wait until dark to relieve themselves in a thicket of thorny shrubs a little distance...
Debt Trap
KEY TRENDS • The NSS 59th Round (January-December 2003) had found that 48.6% farmer households were indebted while the NSS 70th Round (January-December 2013) has observed that 52% of India's agricultural households were indebted in July, 2012-June, 2013 $ • A similar survey on rural indebtedness by the NSSO in 1991 found indebtedness among only 26% of farmers $ • On an average, the amount of debt per farmer household was Rs. 12,585 during NSS...
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