-The Indian Express The ambitious Rs 5,500 crore proposal to issue resident identity cards to the entire population above 18 years of age under the National Population Register — which in the past had clashed with the Aadhaar scheme under UIDAI on ground that they had similar objectives — on Thursday failed to find Cabinet approval following which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh referred it to a Group of Ministers (GoM). Cabinet ministers...
Why it's difficult to cut our diesel dependence -Atul Sethi
-The Times of India Every few days, Rajkumar Sharma, manager of a group housing society in Noida, makes the mandatory trip to the nearby petrol pump to pick up his quota of diesel. A few days back, even as he was on his 'diesel duty' as he calls it, he was making some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations. "Our average monthly consumption is around 400 litres which means a monthly expenditure of around...
More »Cash Transfer or Congress Calling Card!-Ashwani Kumar
-Pratirodh.com If Year 2012 earned the sobriquet of “Year of Scams’ due to serial expose of “super social cop” Arvind Kejeriwal, and the year-end tragic death of girl in Delhi gang rape case reminded us about the most ugly manifestation of ‘Republic of Patriarchy’ in India, Year 2013 promises to be a game changer for the fortunes of welfare state in India as well as political fortunes of UPA-2. If Narendra Modi,...
More »A sop that does not help -Sudha Mahalingam
-The Hindu Subsidies on cooking gas, kerosene and diesel have resulted in perverse outcomes not envisaged when they were introduced With the Aadhaar-based direct cash transfer scheme facing so many glitches in implementation, any hopes that the country’s energy sector can soon dismount the subsidy tiger it has been riding so dangerously have receded into the background. Had the Aadhaar scheme worked satisfactorily, the next logical step would have been to extend...
More »Cylinder Blast -Lola Nayar
-Outlook The cap on subsidised LPG has the UPA regime worried Something Cookin’ There’s definitely going to be a relook at the six-subsidised-cylinders cap Fear that LPG could cause a replay of the “onion impact” on 2014 polls Pressure from all parties for increasing number of subsidised cylinders Central government keen that states too share burden of extra cylinders But that could be tricky when discussing Centre-state revenue-sharing Cylinder Pricing Subsidised cylinders...
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