-The Hindu Business Line SHGs pave the road to financial independence in UP villages Three years ago, Simrikha Devi’s eightyear-old son made an unusual request. He asked for hundred rupees to buy biscuits,knowing well that his mother, a daily wager, would have to scrounge for the money. Although she was taken aback, Simrikha gave him the money. Her curiosity grew further when he returned with a bag of biscuit packets and began hawking...
Barter is the best bet for a few tribals here -Santosh Patnaik
-The Hindu To overcome currency shortage at weekly markets, they are banking on the age-old practice CHAMPAGUDA (VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT): “What will we do with the Rs.2,000 note, which is a very big amount for us? As we don’t know how to exchange the demonetised note of Rs.500 in banks, we exchange it for Rs.400 from middlemen (called sahukars) in shandies (weekly markets),” says Kinusudi Kamala. She is among the many tribal women who...
More »Grit and a fistful of infested rice -Swapna Majumdar
-The Hindu Business Line How the women of Deoria challenged the public distribution system malpractices Women no longer have to return empty-handed from the fair price shops mandated to give rations under the government’s public distribution system in village Bandgunia in Uttar Pradesh. Not only is the full quota of rice, pulses and sugar given, the shopkeeper in this village in Gauri Bazar block of Deoria district also ensures the women are informed...
More »Tired of Persecution By 'Gau Rakshaks', Rajasthan's Banjaras Are Raising Their Voice -Paras Banjara, Nikhil Dey and Cheryl D'souza
-TheWire.in For a community that trades in oxen, the rise in cow vigilantism has meant a loss of livelihood. Continued apathy from the state hasn’t helped. Rajasmand, Rajasthan: Dadri, Una and now Railmangra. How many more? Emboldened by their proximity to state power and riding the wave of religious fanaticism, self-appointed gau rakshaks have unleashed terror across the country. For communities that deal with cattle in any form, it has rapidly brought...
More »How Maharashtra is changing the way farmers sell their produce -Abhiram Ghadyalpatil
-Livemint.com Maharashtra’s farmer-to-consumer markets and APMC reforms are changing the state’s agriculture sector, long-burdened by economic and political pressures Mumbai: These days, Lata Arun Dimble is out at 8am in her farm in Khed Shivapur. Along with husband Arun and son Ajit, she picks brinjal, tomato, chilly, cucumber, spinach, radish, bitter gourd, cabbage, cauliflower, and green peas. By 11am, the vegetables are loaded onto a mini-truck her husband owns. It’s the same story...
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