-OutlookIndia.com On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India was entering a lockdown for the next three weeks, adding it was the only way to contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. About two weeks ago, when suggestions for a nationwide lockdown started coming in, the biggest concern was the survival of India's daily wage labourers and construction workers, who live from hand to mouth. On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Narendra...
COVID-19: Gujarat labourers, tribals forced to take 250 km-long journeys on foot -Rajeev Khanna
-Down to Earth The workers reportedly began their journey on March 23, 2020, with some accompanied by their wives, children Thousands of migrant workers in Gujarat are undertaking long journeys to their native villages on foot. The workers, mostly tribals, travelled upwards of 250 kilometres, in the absence of public transport. Migrant workers are forced to take this step after the Union government initiated a janata (people’s) curfew and subsequently, a 21-day...
More »Congress president Sonia Gandhi bats for construction industry workers in letter to PM Modi
-The Hindu I request you to consider advising the State Building and Other construction workers Welfare Boards to roll out emergency welfare measures, particularly wage support, to construction workers who are in distress, she says Congress president Sonia Gandhi has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to roll out emergency welfare measures for construction industry workers because of the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, the party said on Tuesday. In her letter, dated March 23, Ms....
More »UP daily wage labourers, construction workers to be paid during Covid-19 lockdown: Yogi Adityanath
-Hindustan Times Coronavirus in India: Adityanath had formed a high-level committee under the state finance minister Suresh Khanna, comprising agriculture and labour ministers, to decide the nature of the assistance to the labourers. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath said on Saturday lakhs of daily wage labourers and construction workers will be given Rs 1000 as the state remained under lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus outbreak. The state government had announced...
More »Informal sector workers don’t have the privilege to stay at home & work online in the time of COVID-19
After the outbreak of COVID-19 in China during early January this year and its dissemination globally within a few days, health experts have suggested ways to check its spread exponentially among the rest of the population. In the age of internet connectivity, work-from-home and self-isolation have been advised as solutions to ensure social distancing and avoid large-scale social gatherings. Experts have asked governments and private enterprises to keep people at...
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