-The Hindu On an average, rural and urban households own assets worth Rs.10 lakh and Rs.23 lakh respectively. The average asset holding of the bottom 10 per cent of urban Indian households is around Rs. 291, new data from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) show. Most households reported owning some kind of physical or financial assets, the survey, conducted in 2012-13 and made public on Friday, shows. On an average, rural and...
After the Delhi experiment -Krishna Kumar
-The Hindu Whether the memory of the odd-even experiment will inspire us to lead healthier lives depends on the willingness of the so-called aspirational classes to engage in a deeper debate on development It will take time and expertise to assess the odd-even experiment in Delhi, but there is no doubt that it was educative. It taught the government that the public is now ready to support radical measures on air pollution....
More »India drinks and smokes less now -Vidya Krishnan and Rukmini S
-The Hindu However, it is among the highest consumers of smokeless forms of tobacco The preliminary findings from National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) released last week have given anti-tobacco campaigners a reason to smile. The survey has found that across the board, people — both men and women — in India are smoking less than they were a decade ago. Not just tobacco, even alcohol consumption among Indians has fallen. According to the...
More »Beti Bachao delivers gains in haryana, but gaps remain -Meenal Thakur
-Livemint.com haryana’s sex ratio at birth is at 903, a first in a decade, but the scheme has made no impact in certain parts Rohtak (haryana): On 22 January last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (save the daughter, educate the daughter) campaign to improve India’s child sex ratio and promote gender equality. Appropriately enough, he flagged off the campaign in Panipat, haryana, which had the worst...
More »Private hospitals have twice the number of C-section deliveries, says govt’s survey -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express In haryana, the percentage of C-sec deliveries in the private sector is 25.3 per cent in both urban and rural areas. Data across 15 states and Union territories in the National Family Health Survey released recently show that a disproportionately high number of babies are delivered by Caesarean section in the private sector — mostly double that of the government sector. The figures range from 87.1 per cent of...
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