-The Hindu Over 350 outlets were open and instructed to hand out free food Ahead of the funeral of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Tuesday, Chennai shut down — shops, restaurants and roadside eateries were closed. But as Tamil Nadu mourned her, one of Amma’s pet schemes — ‘Amma Unavagams’ (Amma Canteens) stayed open — but not for business as food was served free of cost to all those who walked in. Of the 407...
MGNREGA spending high, call for Rs 10,000 crore extra -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express As part of the first supplementary grant of demands, the ministry had released an additional Rs 5,000 crore — a third of the Rs 15,000 crore the MoRD had demanded to meet increased expenditure in drought-affected states. The Ministry of Rural Development has sought Rs 10,000 crore for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) as part of the second batch of supplementary demand of grants, set...
More »Proposal to amend law for cashless wage payments
-The Hindu The Centre has proposed amending a law to empower States and allow industries to pay wages by cheque or by direct credit into bank accounts. The Union Labour ministry has proposed changes to the Section 6 of the Payment of wages Act of 1936. The present law states that all payment of wages should be made in cash, with a provision enabling employers to obtain written permission of the...
More »Promote cashless, earn marks -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Participating as a volunteer in the Centre's financial literacy campaign for a cashless economy will yield academic credits to students of higher educational institutions, including the IITs. The Union HRD ministry has launched a scheme called the Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan (Visaka) under which heads of institutions have been advised to give students credits for taking forward the Prime Minister's agenda. "Directors of all institutions should ensure that the necessary...
More »Centre, states to list industries for cashless wage payment
-PTI Amritsar: Aiming to move towards a cashless India, the Centre and states could soon have powers to specify categories of employers who will have to pay wages either through cheques or by crediting the amount directly into the workers’ bank account. “The Government is ready with the Payment of wages (Amendment) Bill, 2016 which seeks to empower the Centre as well as states to specify industrial or other establishments where employers...
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