-The Hindu The Congress, the NCP and the Shiv Sena have called for a Maharashtra bandh on October 11 against the killings of the farmers at Lakhimpur Kheri Three days after all three ruling pARTies in Maharashtra — the Congress, the Nationalist Congress PARTy (NCP) and the Shiv Sena — called for a State bandh against the killings of the farmers at Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh, the Samyukt Shetkari Kamgar Morcha...
Environmentalists alarmed as Himachal witnesses lesser snow -Vikas Vasudeva
-The Hindu Average precipitation tendency has been decreasing, especially the monsoon rains: IMD official Chandigarh: The hill state of Himachal Pradesh has been gradually witnessing lesser snow in the past decade and the area under the snow is also decreasing. The trend triggered by climate change has alarmed environmentalists, considering the importance of seasonal snow cover as a major input in controlling the hydrology of the river basins in the ecological fragile...
More »Assam’s Evictions Are Turning Skilled Bengali Muslim Farmers Into Labourers -Makepeace Sitlhou
-ARTicle-14.com In driving out ‘illegal encroachers’ from farms in an area smaller than Assam’s capital for an agriculture project that does not interest native Assamese, the Bharatiya Janata PARTy government is dispossessing productive Bengali Muslim farmers, many of whom say they bought land from locals and have been paying land taxes, some for up to 70 years. Darrang, Assam: On the day Moinul Haque, 28, was shot in the abdomen and killed...
More »Samyukt Kisan Morcha calls for farmers to gather on October 12 -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu If demands are not met, ‘rail roko’ on October 18, Lucknow rally on October 24, say farmer protest leaders. Protesting farm unions have issued a call for farmers to again gather in strength in Tikunia in Uttar Pradesh on October 12, the “antim ardaas” day when last rites will be conducted for the farmers who died at Lakhimpur Kheri last Sunday. From there, the ashes of the victims will be...
More »There is Much to Gain and Little to Fear from Reopening Schools -Chandrakant Lahariya
-TheIndiaForum.in There is ample scientific and epidemiological evidence to indicate it is safe to reopen schools for children of all ages. It is not a question of whether to reopen schools, but what should be done to bring children back to the classroom. For most infections affecting humans, the young and old are most at risk while adults enjoy relatively more protection. If this age distribution is plotted on a graph, it...
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