-The Hindu The farmer named by Arvind Kejrwal in his press conference, who went missing on Thursday, came back to his home on Friday and blamed IAC member Anajli Damania for “all the drama”. India Against Corruption (IAC) members Arvind Kejriwal and Anjali Damania had named Gajanan Ghatage during their press conference while accusing BJP president Nitin Gadkari of taking agriculture land on lease from farmers without their consent. “I was near the...
PM to launch Aadhaar based delivery system today
-PTI The much awaited Aadhaar enabled system for direct cash transfer to beneficiaries under social schemes such as MNREGA and pension will be launched today by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at Dudu, Rajasthan. The payment mechanism is aimed at checking corruption and pilferage in the social sector schemes that seek to promote financial inclusion. The launch of the scheme by the Prime Minister coincides with the second anniversary of Aadhaar project, which is...
More »For hardy political 'ethic', a battle of survival -Ajaz Ashraf
-The Hindu India Against Corruption has broken the unwritten code that politicians will not target each other’s kin, and in doing so has taken over the role the traditional Opposition and media should be playing The civil society formation, India Against Corruption, is a beast most find stunning and enthralling, yet few are able to define its precise nature. The confusion over IAC’s personality arises from the many simultaneous roles its activists...
More »Arvind Kejriwal, Bhushan Bhushan in line of friendly fire -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India After dominating headlines as anti-corruption mavericks India Against Corruption (IAC) members Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan found themselves at the receiving end of high-voltage attack from a fellow anti-corruption activist. Y P Singh, a former Mumbai cop and an active member of the Mumbai chapter of IAC, accused the Bhushan-Kejriwal duo of letting off BJP leader Nitin Gadkari with a "dud" while suppressing far more incriminating evidence...
More »Farmer Named by IAC in Gadkari's Case Missing: Family
-Outlook Nagpur: Gajanan Ghadge, former deputy Sarpanch of Khursapur village in the district who was named by Arvind Kejriwal yesterday as someone whose land was given away to BJP president Nitin Gadkari's firms, was missing since last evening, his family said. Durga Ghadge, his wife, said her husband was missing. "If he does not come back by tomorrow morning, we will lodge a police complaint," she told reporters. However, earlier in the day,...
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