On Friday, the Prime Minister launched the Shiksha Ka Haq Abhiyan — a yearlong nationwide campaign for promoting the Right to Education (RTE). As these efforts gain ground, the country faces one important choice: should elementary education be delivered through the current model, which focuses on the expansion of schooling through a top-down, centralised delivery system? Or should we use the RTE as an opportunity to fundamentally alter the current...
Farmers dump paddy for more profitable vegetables by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
Sivadasan's five-acre farm used to be a solitary patch in Kerala's Palakkad district, with bitter gourd, cucumber, cow peas and lady's finger growing amid a landscape dotted with paddy fields and plantations of rubber and spices. Just five years later, more than 1.45 lakh farmers in the southern state have joined Sivadasan and started growing vegetables, reflecting a palpable shift sweeping across the Indian countryside. "Vegetables are always more profitable than paddy,"...
More »How much does she know? by Rukmini Banerji
On November 11, 2011, a big campaign was launched to make citizens of India aware of the Right to Education Act. The campaign has the potential to engage citizens in demanding their rights. Hopefully, the effort will also push the government at different levels to prepare to provide the “rights” as envisaged by the law. At the core of the law is a “guarantee” — a guarantee for quality, free and...
More »2G scam: Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss is a mathematical guess, says lead auditor
-PTI The lead auditor of the 2G telecom audit today stuck to his stand that the loss due to spectrum allocation was Rs 2,645 crore and he had signed the final report on the alleged scam on the direction of his superiors. Appearing before the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) going into the 2G issue, RP Singh, the then Director General, Audit (Post and Telecommunication), said quantification of loss was not part of...
More »Maoists to float new body of students in tribal areas by K Srinivas Reddy
To gain a foothold in forest areas first Maoist rebels, who resurfaced in Telangana, are now planning to start a new students' organisation called Adivasi Vidyarthi Sangam (AVS) to mobilise tribal students to fight for their rights and welfare activities. The formation of AVS is being seen as a part of the overall Maoist strategy to revive the defunct mass organisations, which helped spread revolutionary activity. Information culled from different sources indicates...
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