-PTI New Delhi: Around 3.10 crore small farmers have so far received the first tranche of Rs. 2,000 each under the PM-Kisan scheme and 2.10 crore peasants have got the second instalment as well, costing Rs. 10,500 crore to the exchequer, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said Tuesday. The government had announced that 12 crore farmers would be covered under the the Rs. 75,000-crore Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) scheme. Each...
Meanwhile, on the Jobs Front -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Latest CMIE data shows that unemployment rate continues to steadily climb up even as PM Modi and his party try to divert attention by talking about air strikes and ‘national security’. If ever there was a case of “Nero fiddling while Rome was burning” then India today is the best example. The country is going through one of its worst jobs crisis, well documented by several surveys and confirmed by reports...
More »Cash transfers are fine, but low prices are the problem: Farmers -Jayanta Roy Chowdhury
-The New Indian Express As low prices continue to plague millions of farms all over the country, farmers and their leaders say cash transfers are fine, but main issue is agricultural prices which make farming unremunerative. NEW DELHI: Ishwar Singh is a worried man. The furrows in his brow below his once white turban have deepened. He planted onions in his two-acre farm near Sonepat this winter and got what he believed...
More »Farm ponds that dot parched Marathwada may deplete groundwater in the long run -Vaishnavi Chandrashekhar
-The Times of India AURANGABAD: A patchwork of brown fields is visible from the air as you fly into this drought-hit region in rural Maharashtra. But amid the dry land is a growing mosaic of blue and brown squares and rectangles. These are farm ponds: Large earthen structures that have spread across rural Maharashtra in the past five years, thanks to a raft of central and state subsidies. The ponds were conceived...
More »The problem with cherry-picking data -Arun Kumar
-The Hindu If it’s the government’s case that NSSO figures are suspect, what has it based policy decisions on? Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri said last week, “we definitely have a data crisis,” and blamed academics for creating a “false narrative”. Yet, at the heart of the data crisis in India is the Central government, which has been holding back important data. Most recently, it did...
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