-The Hindu Rajesh Khanna may have immortalised a few lines that are easily recalled by everyone — “Pushpa, I hate tears” — but he will certainly not be remembered for his political speeches. Yet, one particular speech stands out in my memory. It was reported in the papers and it has stayed in my memory even though years have passed. In the speech, made in Calcutta during the 1989 general elections when...
Brand Anna: Why Anna Hazare failed to attract crowds this time-Rahul Sachitanand
-The Times of India MUMBAI: A year ago, nothing could go wrong for 73-year-old Anna Hazare. The antigraft crusader's campaign attracted a groundswell from a disillusioned populace tired of corruption as a way of life. The movement succeeded in building Anna into a brand that millions of Indian consumers — most of them young and social media-savvy — bought into. A year down the line, that brand is frayed at the seams. The...
More »UN official calls on academics to step up their efforts to fight Hunger
-The United Nations A United Nations top official today called on academics to get involved in essential research to help reduce rural poverty and assist small-scale farmers as part of the global fight against Hunger. “One of the great challenges we have today is to use academic knowledge to understand and improve the life of rural populations throughout the world,” said the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), José Graziano...
More »Hunger kills 1 every week in Delhi
-The Times of India For a government that flaunts the “global city” tag, here is some disturbing news. A recent RTI reply from four Delhi Police districts – out of a total of 11 – received by RTI activist Nayaar Alam has revealed that the city witnessed 737 deaths in the past 14 years either due to Hunger or poverty. All deaths were due to Hunger or suicides due to Hunger...
More »Standing on the threshold of Food Justice in India
-Oxfam India Oxfam India launches food justice bulletin along with the Institute of development Studies (IDS), calls for assessing government's commitment to Hunger Despite enormous growth in economic and political power, 46 per cent of Indian children are malnourished, and 1 in 3 of the world’s hungry live in India. Yet India stands on the threshold of potentially the largest step toward food justice the world has ever seen, as the National...
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