-The Hindu On Tuesday, Bhojan Yatra, a campaign demanding a comprehensive food security bill, reached here after travelling through Bihar, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal. In a rally, organised from Bistupur to Ram Mandir maidan, Right to Food (RTF) activists demanded that the proposed National Food Security Bill (NFSB) give universal access to food instead of capping it at 67 per cent of the population. They demanded that 8.2 crore metric tonnes of food...
Rapes happening because men and women are interacting more freely, says Mamata Banerjee
-CNN-IBN Kolkata: After Haryana ministers and Khap panchayats, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday gave her 'bizarre' reasoning for the increasing rape cases in the country. Mamata said that rape cases are on a rise in the country because men and women interact with each other more freely now. "Earlier if men and women would hold hands, they would get caught by parents and reprimanded but now everything is...
More »Health ministry pushes for end to sale of branded drugs -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India Medicines in India may not be sold under brand names in the near future. In its biggest move to push generic drugs and do away with brand names, the Union health ministry has ordered states to stop issuing licence for the manufacture or sale of drugs on the basis of their brand name. All pharmaceutical firms applying for licence to market or manufacture fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs will...
More »The recent spate of Haryana rapes shows up the callousness of politicians and law enforcers
-The Times of India The true worth of a modern nation lies in its treatment of women and children. Sadly, India still has a long way to go before it can measure up to such standards. The spate of recent rapes in Haryana of at least 15 women, including dalit teenage girls, has renewed focus on the inefficacy of the law and order machinery. In place of a policy of zero...
More »Shift rice production from Punjab to eastern states: Experts-Sutanuka Ghosal & Rituraj Tiwari
-The Economic Times With reports of groundwater level going down in Punjab and Haryana, considered the rice bowl of India, scientists and analysts suggest its cultivation be shifted to eastern states which have better water resources. They say Punjab and Haryana should focus on basmati rice, which is largely exported, and the eastern states should produce non-basmati varieties for meeting the domestic demand. Talking to ET, Dr Swapan Kumar Dutta, deputy director general...
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