The social audit of development work under the MGNREGA in Todgarh panchayat, Ajmer, has confirmed the Rs 56-lakh embezzlement found by the district administration in a recent enquiry. The findings were read out at the social audit gram sabha on Thursday. The Todgarh panchayat is close to Malaton Ki Weir, also in Ajmer, where anomalies amounting to Rs 1.41 crore was uncovered during a special audit last year. "The scale...
Citizens, not numbers by Nandini Sundar
If home minister P Chidambaram’s recent letter to West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee is any indication, it has taken the Union home ministry seven years to realise that arming civilians to fight Naxalites is a bad idea. How much longer will it take for them to realise that the current paramilitary-based approach in Chhattisgarh is similarly bound to fail? From 2003 onwards, the home ministry has followed a policy of...
More »Food security act should have provision for distribution of millets: MS Swaminathan
Eminent scientist M S Swaminathan has said the new National Food Security Act should include a provision for distribution of millets through the public distribution system. This measure will be implemented keeping in mind the possible reductions in yield of rice and wheat due to climate change. Speaking at a climate change symposium during the 98th Indian Science Congress 2011 held at SRM University on Wednesday, Swaminathan elaborated on the...
More »Swaminathan: document indigenous climate-resilient farming knowledge
Agriculture scientist M.S. Swaminathan called on Wednesday for documenting indigenous farming knowledge which coped with monsoon vagaries. In earlier days when there was no irrigation, farmers were prepared for floods and droughts. The climate-resilient farming was a way of life in those days, and people went in for mixed cropping. Dr. Swaminathan said a publication could be brought out on procedures adopted by farmers and how effective they were in coping with...
More »Endosulfan sufferers don't count by Savvy Soumya Misra
Many endosulfan sufferers in Kerala still not recognised NARAYANA Vokalliga from Belur village in Kasaragod breathed his last on November 20 just as his son was explaining how his father had suffered from exposure to endosulfan for 30 years. The former employee of the Plantation Corporation of Kerala used to spray the toxic pesticide manually in the corporation’s cashew plantations at Nanjamparamba estate. When the corporation switched to aerial spraying, Narayan prepared...
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