-The Hindu "Animal behaviour," was the unusual language the Supreme Court deployed recently. The context for the cryptic remarks was the gruesome lathi-charge on protesting teachers, predominantly women, engaged on contract by the Bihar government, and the attacks on a woman who sought police intervention in a case of assault. The police carry a long and ignominious record of resort to indiscriminate force to quell peaceful protesters, which peaked in the...
In Bastar, CRPF launches a soft offensive to win over villagers-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu It joins hands with AIIMS to offer health services to villagers Raipur: Maoists as well as security forces have hit upon new strategies to gain an upper hand in the ongoing conflict. The latest one - to check the influence of rebels - has come from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). It is not at all a military manoeuvre, but an offer of medical assistance to villagers in the Maoist-controlled...
More »Towards a gender-just society-Zoya Hasan
-The Hindu The Justice Verma Committee report acts as a blueprint for the radical transformation of gender relations within the framework of constitutional guarantees and gender equality. However, the adoption of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013 by Parliament on March 19, 2013, does not go beyond legal change. Prof. Hasan argues that if political parties are serious about the rights of women, the Women's Representation Bill must be passed...
More »Trinamool has "conspired" to not hold rural polls, alleges Opposition-Ananya Dutta
-The Hindu The Trinamool Congress has "conspired" to ensure that the rural polls are not held in West Bengal by entering into a confrontation with the State Election that resulted in the latter moving court on the issue, alleged the Opposition parties here on Monday. "For a while, there were indications that the rural elections will not be held on time. The State government has played a distinctive role in plotting...
More »The fear that triggered call for forces
-The Telegraph Chief minister Mamata Banerjee will not know Pushpa Tudu. Neither will state election commissioner Mira Pande. Such an assertion can be made because Pushpa Tudu does not want her real name to be published - a wish that tells the human story behind the stand-off between the Bengal government and the state election commission. Early last week, Pushpa Tudu (name changed), a probable CPM gram panchayat candidate, was addressing a small...
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